From the Book - First American edition.
Part I: Early Victorian. The little old woman Britannia ; Victoria's inheritance ; The charter ; Typhoon coming on ; The age of Peel ; Famine in Ireland ; The Victorians in Italy ; Doubt ; Mesmerism ; John Stuart Mill's boiled egg ; The failed revolution
Part II: The eighteen-fifties. The Great Exhibition ; Marx
Pre-Raphaelites ; The Crimean War ; India 1857-9 ; Clinging to life
Part III: The eighteen-sixties. 'The Beloved'
and Governor Eyre ; The world of school ; Charles Kingsley and 'The water-babies' ; 'Goblin market' and the cause ; Wonderland ; Some deaths
Part IV: The eighteen-seventies. Gladstone's first premiership ; The side of the angels ; The end of Lord Beaconsfield ; 'The devils'
Gilbert and Sullivan ; Country parishes
Part V: The eighteen-eighties. A crazy decade ; The plight of the poor ; The rise of Parnell ; The fourth estate
The maiden tribute of Babylon ; Politics of the late 1880s ; Into Africa ; Kipling's India ; Jubilee
and the Munshi ; The dock strike ; The scarlet thread of murder ; The fall of Parnell
Part VI: The eighteen-nineties. The Victorian way of death ; Appearance and reality ; Utopia : the decline of the aristocracy ; The Boer War ; 'Vale').