Introduction: J.D. Schraffenberger
Part I: Whitman. The poetry of the future (February 1881)
A memorandum at a venture (June 1882)
Slang in America (November 1885)
Robert Burns at poet and person (November 1886)
jotted down at the time (January 1887)
Old poets (November 1890)
Have we a national literature? (March 1891).
Part II: on Whitman. Review of Leaves of grass / Edward Everett Hale (January 1856)
Walt Whitman's Drum taps / Adam Sherman Hill (January 1967)
Walt Whitman / Walker Kennedy (June 1884)
The poet of democracy / John Burroughs (May 1892)
From The poetry and poets of America III / Churton Collins (March 1904)
Walt Whitman / Louise Collier Willcox (August 1906)
Mr. Bliss Perry's "Walt Whitman" / Louise Collier Willcox (May 1907)
Whitman in Whitman's land / Herman Scheffauer (February 1915)
From Manifold nature / John Burroughs (August 1916)
The adventures of a poetry-reader / Edith Franklin Wyatt (March 1919)
The answerer: Walt Whitman / Edith Franklin Wyatt (May 1919)
Whitman and Anne Gilchrist / Edith Wyatt (September 1919)
Whitman and the cult of confusion / Norman Foerster (June 1921)
Walt Whitman / John Gould Fletcher (March 1924).
Part III: after Whitman. From in Mexico
Work in progress / Robert Sward (May 1967)
Gospel of the lonely / Willis Barstone (June 1983)
Walt Whitman in the car lot, repo or used / Gillian Conoley (June 1989)
Sestina for stars / Ann Struthers (March-April 2001)
The good earth, the good stars / Ricardo Pau-Llosa (November-December 2001)
Slices of life / John N. Miller (May-August 2002)
Walt Whitman izibongo / David Rowe (March-April 2003)
Walt Whitman and butterfly / Kelly Russell Agodon (November-December 2003)
Spider-smear across my computer screen / Ryan G. Van Cleave (September-October 2005)
Hoofer / Philip Dacey (January-February 2008)
On the New Jersey turnpike, I stopped to pee at the Walt Whitman Service Center near Camden / Harry Waitzman (Spring 2012)
Looking for Whitman / Lauren Schmidt (Winter 2014)
Barbaric yawp big noise blues / Martín Espada (Summer 2015)
How we could have lived or died this way / Martín Espada (Summer 2015).